Local Government Tobacco Control Grants Scheme

Supporting Local Government Tobacco Control and Compliance Activities

The Tobacco Control Grants Scheme is now complete, thank you to all of the local governments who participated in this scheme.

Below are a few examples of projects by Local Governments, implemented under the Tobacco Control Grant Scheme:

City of Armadale

The City of Armadale initiated a youth oriented project delivered in two parts. The first part involved a series of workshops held at the YAA (Youth Activity Area) using scooter, BMX and skate boarding as an engagement tool to educate young people on the impacts of smoking and the benefits of a healthy lifestyle. This culminated in a competition event held at the end. The second part involved participants of the Creative Art Project working with professional artists to develop No Smoking artwork for use at the skate part.

The City of Armadale’s scooter, BMX and skate boarding workshops

Shire of Broome (Bidyadanga)

The Bidyadanga Aboriginal Community La Grange Inc. in conjunction with the Kimberley Aboriginal Medical Services Council (KAMSC) held a Traditional Aboriginal Games Day on 3rd June 2014 to coincide with World No Tobacco Day (WNTD) on 30th May. WNTD was identified as an opportunity to advocate for anti-smoking activities in the community, and a traditional games day was held for young people to raise awareness of health and no smoking in a culturally appropriate manner. Youth engagement was achieved in a fun and culturally supportive manner.

Traditional Aboriginal Games held to promote tobacco control in a fun and engaging way, as part of World No Tobacco Day

Shire of Esperance  

The Shire of Esperance, in conjunction with the Cannery Arts Centre held an Urban Art Project under the title of Clearing the Air in Esperance. Two local artists with skills in signwriting and street art engaged with fourteen local youth during workshops over the school holidays to design and paint murals around No Smoking themes, in accordance with Tobacco Control legislation. The murals covered the themes of No Smoking at outdoor eateries, playgrounds, and beaches and parks, and were installed at a busy walkway in town near The Dome Restaurant, at the indoor sports stadium of the Greater Sports Grounds Esperance, at the “Little Athletes” Club sea container, at the Esperance Skateboard Park, and at the Cannery Art Centre.

One of the No Smoking murals created as part of the Shire of Esperance’s tobacco control project

City of Mandurah

The City of Mandurah had two successful grants under the scheme, with the funding being utilised for the installation of 16 totem signs in playgrounds throughout the community, with an aim to raise public awareness of No Smoking within 10 metres of playgrounds. 

No Smoking signs installed at playgrounds within the City of Mandurah

Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale

The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale’s Environmental Health staff partnered with Diabetes WA and YMCA to run a stall at the Shire’s annual Christmas Carnival, held at the Serpentine-Jarrahdale Recreation Centre. The stall promoted no smoking, physical activity and healthy eating through a variety of activities throughout the day including administering educational resources to the public. Resources featuring the No Smoking logo were developed with the funding including teardrop flags, t-shirts and caps for stall volunteers, and water bottles and Frisbees were given out to visitors. There was good community & youth engagement to promote healthy, smoke free lifestyles through the event.

The Shire of Serpentine-Jarrahdale’s stall at the annual Christmas Carnival

City of Vincent

The City of Vincent worked with the Vincent Accord, an existing initiative by the City of Vincent to reduce alcohol related issues, to develop a marketing campaign to reduce social smoking in designated smoking areas in licensed premises. Four posters centering on the theme of ‘Forget that social cigarette’ were designed, and focused on dancing, conversation, smelling great, and taste as a tool to promote No Smoking. These were installed in licensed premises, along with coasters made using the same designs.

The City of Vincent’s campaign to reduce social smoking in licensed venues

A summary of the successful applicants and a brief description of each project

Local Government Project description
Albany Making the Albany Agricultural Show smokefree and installing a City of Albany Environmental Health stall at the event. Also rectifying no smoking signage at applicable outdoor public spaces.
Armadale Holding six weekly scooter focused workshops with a smokefree theme.  New no smoking signage to be installed at the skate park.
Armadale 2 Purchasing 10 tear drop no smoking flags to be used at community events.
Ashburton Installing 4 no smoking signs (blades) in and around the Tom Price shopping precinct.
Bassendean Installing 16 ‘No Smoking’ signs around playgrounds, and purchasing 4 teardrop ‘No Smoking’ signs for use at community events.
Broome (Bidyadanga) Funding assistance for a World No Tobacco Day event.
Broomehill-Tambellup Local school children will be creating no smoking posters which will be developed into signage at playgrounds and skate parks.
Cambridge Making the Quarry Amphitheatre a smokefree venue.  Includes no smoking signage installation and no smoking voice over message.
Canning Clearly marking four smoke-free entry and exit areas around Westfield Carousel Shopping Centre with no smoking signage.
Capel Installing no smoking signage at ten outdoor playground sites.
Carnarvon Young people are painting a no smoking mural on the back of the grandstand at the Carnarvon sporting precinct to remind patrons that all sports events are smokefree.
Chittering Creating no smoking areas by installing no smoking signs in communal outdoor areas at 18 prominent public locations.  Designated smoking areas with butt out bins will also be erected away from the no smoking areas
Collie Installing 20 no smoking signs around playgrounds and parks
Corrigin Purchasing ten portable flag signs to signify no smoking areas or no smoking events.
Corrigin 2 Installing new shade sails with no smoking graphics at Corrigin War Memorial Swimming Pool.
Derby-West Kimberley Installing 21 no smoking signs at various outdoor locations.
Donnybrook-Balingup Installing no smoking signs at 9 identified outdoor public places that have children’s playground equipment.
East Pilbara Installing no smoking signs at local playgrounds in the area.
Esperance Painting 4 no smoking murals in prominent public locations.
Fremantle Installing 20 no smoking sign posts at children’s playgrounds and between the flags at patrolled beaches.
Geraldton Installing signage to be placed in identified targeted areas. Launching several smoke free awareness community events targeting whole community and youth. Conducting educational sessions with students to raise awareness about the harms associated with tobacco smoking.
Mullewa (Geraldton 2) Installing 8 new outdoor no smoking signs using artwork developed by school students and purchasing 4 tear drop no smoking flags to be used at community events.
Harvey Installing no smoking signs at 25 playgrounds through the Shire of Harvey.
Katanning Working with local youth to design No Smoking signs, to be installed around playgrounds and parks, purchasing teardrop flags for use at community events, installing butt out bins in town.
Kellerberrin Erecting 8 no smoking signs within Centennial Park Community Space.
Kondinin Purchasing 10 portable flag signs to signify no smoking areas or no smoking events.
Kondinin 2 Smoke Free naming rights at the ‘Smoke Free Kondinin Carols by Torchlight’ event. Includes associated promotional and advertising costs such as signage.
Kulin Purchasing 10 portable flag signs to signify no smoking areas or no smoking events.
Kwinana Installation of no smoking signs designed by children and butt out bins at public areas including playgrounds, parks and buildings.
Mandurah Installing 14 no smoking totem signage poles at a number of children’s playgrounds.
Mandurah 2 Installing 9 no smoking totem signage poles at a number of children’s playgrounds.
Manjimup Installing no smoking signs at 18 identified outdoor parks.
Merredin Erecting 6 no smoking signs around 3 children’s playgrounds.
Merredin 2 Purchasing an inflatable start/finish line with no smoking messages to be displayed at sporting events.
Moora Installing 4 new shade sails and several signs all with no smoking graphics at Moora Public Swimming Pool.
Morawa Developing a photography slideshow by children to be displayed during Drug Action Week and at future related events and school classes.
Narembeen Purchasing 10 teardrop flags and inflatable start/finish line with no smoking messages to be displayed at sporting events.
Northampton Installing 12 no smoking signs around playgrounds.
Perth Install signage around Forrest Place, Murray Street and Hay Street malls to promote the City’s new Smoke Free Malls policy.
Port Hedland Implementing no smoking signs at all sporting facilities and grounds as well as stencilled no smoking signs stencilled on gutters and car parks at entries to sporting venues.
Roebourne Assisting businesses with outdoor eating areas to comply or remain compliant with the Tobacco Products Control Act 2006 (Act) and Tobacco Products Control Regulations 2006 (Regulations).
Serpentine Jarrahdale Funding to promote the Serpentine Jarrahdale Christmas Carnival as a smoke free event, including purchasing no smoking banners and tear drop flags to be used at the Carnival and future events.
Swan Installing no smoking signage at ‘problem locations’ in both sticker and metal material format. Also purchasing 2 no smoking tear drop flags.
Vincent Creating ‘Social Smoking’ posters and stickers which will be distributed to licensed premises to display in smoking areas and on cigarette vending machines.
Warmun No smoking artwork developed by local artists will be displayed on signs located at four smokefree community areas.
York Installing 13 butt out bins adjacent to commercial alfresco eating areas with signage indicating no smoking in outdoor eating areas.

What projects will be funded?

All projects will have to support tobacco control and compliance.  Both long-term and one-off projects or events will be favourably considered. Applicants are encouraged to examine flexible and innovative approaches that engage with the community and across local government boundaries, as well as those that offer long-term sustainability.  Profit making projects and those requiring overseas travel will not be funded.

Some examples of potential projects include:

  • The development and erection of local signs, e.g. in parks and playgrounds, at local beaches and in other public areas;
  • The development, establishment and implementation of tobacco control enforcement, recording and reporting systems;
  • Developing and coordinating community competitions, community information and engagement materials, and
  • The development and implementation of local initiatives to address tobacco control in at-risk groups e.g. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, low socio-economic groups, migrants, pregnant women, children.

Tobacco Control Grants Scheme guidelines with project examples 2014

For more information please contact  Melissa Stoneham at m.stoneham@curtin.edu.au or call 9266 2489.