Explore our current projects
Projects with Partners
Advocacy will only be successful when many voices join. As such, PHAIWA works with many partners to influence policy and services.
Indigenous Storybooks
The Storybooks are an advocacy strategy to combat the negative media around Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health.
Child Food Insecurity
Food insecurity arises from reduce, restricted or uncertain physical and economic access to sufficient, safe, nutritious and appropriate food.
Our World in Photos
Our World in Photos is a community photovoice project to improve well-being in children aged 7-16 years.
Food Security in Remote Communities
We are working with a range of partners to address food security risk factors in remote communities.
Trachoma is a bacterial infection that affects the eyes. The #endingtrachoma project is highly effective at improving outcomes for remote communities.
Explore our completed projects
Local Government Policy Awards
The Children’s Environment and Health Local Government Policy Awards originated following the Environment and Health Advocacy Forum in 2009.
Professional Development & Capacity Building
Building the capacity of health practitioners, researchers, community members and agencies to do advocacy and impact policy is PHAIWA core business.
Public Health Planning Advisory Service
PHAI has long been instrumental in engaging with local government for a variety of reasons, Public Health Planning being one of those.
Sponsorship in Sports
PHAI has a focus on developing tools, fact sheets and reports to increase the awareness of the extent of unhealthy sports sponsorship.
Let’s Talk About Sugar
The evidence of the negative health impact of these products is clear, particularly with respect to dental health.