Our Vision
Health for all.
Our Mission
We influence, build, promote, and support advocacy for public health priorities through innovation in education, applied research, engagement, and practice.
Our Approach
A critical friend, we support a collaborative, cooperative, and coordinated approach to inspire action to improve public health in priority areas.
Priorities are evidence-informed and demand driven. We plan the work and work the plan. Together with our partners, we advocate to inspire timely, appropriate, and ‘just’ public health impact.
About the Public Health Advocacy Institute
PHAI is an independent advocacy voice that works across all Australian States and Territories. Public health advocacy encompasses several strategies including communication, negotiation, argumentation, consensus and debate to advance public policies, initiatives and services in the pursuit of improved health and wellbeing.
PHAI can support your organisation to use these strategies to influence upstream factors like laws, regulations, policies and institutional practices, prices, and product standards that impact the personal health choices of individuals, and the environments in which we live.
Download our Strategic Plan 2021 - 2024
Our Team
Welcome to the people behind PHAI.