The trachoma project reducing preventable blindness in Western Australia

PHAI article on CRANA We are on the road to eliminate trachoma in Australia, says environmental health expert Dr Melissa Stoneham. But Melissa, who heads up the service-delivery Environmental Health Trachoma Project (#endingtrachoma) run by the Public Health Advocacy Institute (PHAI) based at Curtin University, would dearly love to see the process speed up. Read […]

July 2024: Christina heads to Sweden to broker new partnerships

The University of Uppsala in Sweden invited Christina Pollard to visit their university to discuss potential international partnerships in public health.  She gave a presentation to Professor Anna Sarkardi, staff and visiting Fellows about the possibilities, so watch this space!

June 2024: PHAI head to Poland to showcase work

PHAI staff Christina Pollard & Mel Stoneham attended the 9th International Union for Health Promotion and Education (IUHPE) European conference in Lodz, Poland. During the conference, which was themed “Health Promotion – Cultivating Change through the Lifespan”, many new partnerships were forged & ideas sparked. Three oral papers were presented on preventing trachoma in remote […]