
Alcohol is a major public health issue. Harmful alcohol consumption contributes to a concerning range of immediate and longer-term harms, both as a result of a person’s own drinking and the drinking of others. For example, alcohol plays a role in more than 200 different chronic health problems, including cardiovascular disease, cancers, diabetes, nutrition-related conditions, cirrhosis, and overweight and obesity.

The level of harm from alcohol in Australia – harm that is preventable – is cause for substantial concern and should be the focus of urgent action by governments at all levels. Strong community support exists for a range of policy initiatives to address harm from alcohol.

PHAIWA has an MOU with the Alcohol and Drug Foundation (WA) to work on a range of alcohol related projects, particularly at the local community level.


Advocacy Targets

PHAIWA has established action on alcohol as a priority. Addressing alcohol-related harm requires a comprehensive approach, including:

  • Reducing young people’s exposure to alcohol advertising and promotion
  • Addressing alcohol availability and access
  • Price controls and taxation
  • Well-funded, sustained and evidence-based public education
  • Compulsory school-based alcohol and other drug education
  • Enforcement of liquor laws
  • Measures to prevent drink driving
  • Support for research and appropriate services
  • Support for work with Indigenous organisations and communities


PHAIWA’s other projects and resources include:

  • Alcohol Management Guidelines PHAIWA, together with Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA) and the Mental Health Commission (MHC) has developed the Alcohol Management Guidelines for Local Government which provide support and guidance to local governments on a range of alcohol related issues. To read the guidelines click here.
  • Alcohol Sponsorship in Sport PHAIWA is calling for an end to alcohol sponsorship in sport, and for a removal of alcohol advertisements from sport telecasts. Read more about our work in this area here.
  • Supervision of a PhD student who is aiming to identify and examine alcohol industry corporate political activities in pregnancy warning labelling of alcohol, Food Regulatory System policy decision making, and their influence in policy processes, the last two decades.

PHAIWA is working with MHC on a project that aims to uncover local government policies and practices that were instigated in response to COVID-19, with an emphasis on those that influenced and impacted on young people. The project will identify practical information regarding how, and to what extent, local governments have implemented alcohol-related strategies that benefit young people throughout the pandemic.